“If you always do what you always did then you will always get what you always got.“
Albert Einstein
“Sow a thought, you will reap an act. Sow an act, you will reap a habit. Sow a habit, you will reap a character. Sow a character, you will reap a destiny.“
Chinese proverb
Introductory session to holistic ayurvedic naturopathy
(Pre-requisite for all individual consultations)
Whatever your needs, your state of health, or your illness, the laws of nature which direct the functioning of the body are universal. That’s why I explain these during my introduction to holistic ayurvedic naturopathy.
In addition, during the course of the session, I explain the key lifestyle choices that allow the body to (re) find a healthy equilibrium.
The first session serves as an introduction and a first point of contact to the paradigm of health and vitality offered by naturopathy and Ayurveda.
Attending one of these sessions is a prerequisite for individual consultations, for an overall health check or for colonic irrigation.
Effectively, these group sessions allow me to communicate from the outset to a larger number of people general and indispensable advice about health rather than explaining the same thing to each individual.
Summary of content of the introductory session:
Fundamental principles of naturopathy
Life force, fundamental needs of the body, what is health, illness and the process of healing in naturopathy/Ayurveda.
How much do our bodies really need?
What foods do our bodies need?
Digestive system and intestinal ecosystem
The importance of good digestion and the role of the colon.
Colonic irrigation and cleansing
How this works and when is it needed.
Movement and oxygenation
Our bodies’ fundamental requirements.
Rhythm and the importance of good sleep
Stress and adrenalin
Cause and effect for the body.
Explaining constitution and temperament and specific needs to maintain or to regain health.
Question and answer session to conclude
When? Please select from one of the following dates: Sunday Feb 9, March 8, April 5, May 17, June 21 (1400-1800). Because of the volume of information, may I ask you to please arrive 15 minutes in advance?
Where? Rue Alphonse De Witte, 1050, Ixelles (please ring “consultations”)
Fee: 40 euros (includes printed material)
Places are limited. Reservation required. Please email
We may afterwards, if you wish, during an individualised health check, make adjustments to apply more specifically to your constitution, your temperament and your individual issues in order to establish a more targeted vital health programme.
If the dates above do not suit your requirements, please subscribe to our newsletter (maximum 4 per year) to be informed quickly about future introductory sessions.
Body Awareness Course • Ayurveda or the Science of Life
Anne Verbist MD
Preventive Medicine and Healthy Living
Dr Anne Verbist is a general practitioner but after studying ancient and traditional medicines like Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, she has integrated these into her current scientific knowledge, which is also enriched by her long practical experience.
Her body awareness course comprises a series of conferences and in-depth day-long seminars.
Ayurveda or the Science of Life
The aim of this series of conferences is to help us become more aware of our bodies and their needs. To respect nature and to respect our planet, we must first respect and know our bodies.
Indeed, our body is the only tangible thing that allows us to be alive. So if the body does not work well or dies, we are the ones who do not work well and die.
Who are we ?
We begin by trying to understand who we are in this beautiful world we live in and of which we are part.
First of all, a body is made up of cells that live and cooperate together. Indeed, we are mammals, just like in the animal world, and in each of us lives this incredible vital energy from our first day of existence; the day of our conception.
We will learn about the three levels of expression of our bodies: the physical, the emotional, and the mental.
In addition, we will discuss different constitutions and blood groups in the context of the Ayurvedic constitution, among others.
Our body “vehicle”
In this life, the body is a vehicle therefore we must learn to drive it. After all, it is our’s and we have to get to know its sensitivities and its strengths. We also have to address its essential needs because these are the needs we must listen to.
As well as looking at this, we will speak about Karma and Dharma and their concrete meaning.
The state of survival
When the body does not work well, it goes into hormonal survival mode.
We will talk about adrenaline and the behaviours we start to see when we have to continue our activities with a tired body that is not well fed, not clean, intoxicated etc.
Indeed, we will see in detail the effects of adrenaline and stress on our cells and on the overall functioning of our body.
Rhythms of life
In this section we will learn about the circadian rhythms, which are directed by the penial gland; a gland which forms part of the endocrinal system. We will also talk about the rhythm of the seasons, age, among others.
Dinacharya: the rituals of Ayurveda
After the first sessions, we will move on to a review of daily techniques, Dinacharya, to cleanse the body, the intestines, the liver and the kidneys. These techniques allow us to maintain good health throughout our lives.
The roles of digestion
And finally, we will explain in detail the physiology of digestion. It is essential to understand correctly the vast amounts of information around us about nutrition.
Theory and practice
The seminars are theoretical and aim to increase our intellectual understanding of the topic but the aim, of course, is to integrate what we learn. The magic in this course is in learning how to form your own opinion through applying and experimenting with what you learn.
In-depth day courses
After completing these initiation conferences, we also offer in-depth seminars where we can learn how to put into practice what we have learned about cellular connection. This corresponds to the true intelligence of our bodies and the real intelligence of life. This cellular connection is always present.
You will see that the mind is the memory of the past that we can project into the future. So, it’s never what we live in the moment.
From then, we will explore this intelligence about our bodies with different techniques. In particular, with systemic constellations, in silence, in representation of the functioning of our bodies and our organs.
This will be accompanied by sharing and questions and answers.
Pancha karma: therapies of purification and Ayurveda
«Through Pancha Karma treatments, excess doshas are eliminated from the body, the digestive fire [agni] and the metabolism are reinforced, illnesses are healed and a normal state of health is restored. The faculties of the senses, mental state and intelligence become clearer. The individual regains strength, resistance, vigour and good fertility. Ageing is slowed and health is maintained for longer.» Caraka Samhita
Ayurvedic techniques to purify the body are known collectively as Pancha karma. Pancha karma literally means ‘five actions’. These five actions comprise a vast range of physical treatments.
An Ayurvedic doctor determines for each individual the most appropriate treatment. The seasons also influence the choice of treatment.
Pancha karrma treatments should ideally be performed with every change of the season.
The Springtime Cure allows us to eliminate blockages and the densities accumulated during winter, both of which inhibit the vital energy of Spring to work through our bodies in a way that allows us to demonstrate who we are. It’s the technique which starts off the year of the seasons and which is the point of departure for the expression of our vitality throughout the year.
Next, the Summer Cure balances the energy at the heart of our bodies’ expression of its vitality.
Autumn’s cure is designed to help our bodies digest the experiences we have had since the Spring.
Excess doshas are eliminated and put into balance, thereby supporting our physiological efficacy.
Healthy living 1 – The Basics (a prerequisite for the other conferences)
Who are we? This conference explores our three bodies — the physical, emotional and mental – and looks at what potential and fulfilment our constitutions offer. What do our bodies need in order to be able to function optimally? How do our metabolisms work and how should we respect these. What role does water, our fuel, play in cleaning out waste and toxins?
Healthy Living 2 – The Basics (prerequisite for the following conferences)
Our metabolism and how to keep our “vehicle” clean. In this session, we will look at the musculoskeletal system and how to take care of it. We will explore what happens when the metabolism does not work, identify crutches and their harmfulness, and look at stress and the damage it has on the metabolism and the whole body. We will also look at the circadian cycle.
Healthy Living 3 – The intestines and Dinacharya
This conference examines how we may clean the intestine, based on what we know about anatomy and physiology, through Dinacharya. Dinacharya comprises valuable habits to be used on a daily basis to maintain good health and comes to us from Ayurveda’s centuries-old knowledge.
Healthy Living 4 – The Liver
Following on from what we have learned so far we focus on the liver, its fundamental functions and how to respect it, keep it clean and keep it healthy.
Healthy Living 5 – Digestion
This conference hones in on the topic of digestion, examining the physiological bases, thereby allowing us to explore the vast field of nutrition.
Panchakarma – Information Session
In this session, we look at Ayurvedic purification techniques and why and how to balance the doshas.
Healthy Living conferences 1 to 5
The first two conferences (Healthy Living 1 and 2) are a prerequisite for attendance at any of the others (3, 4 or 5).
Once you have attended the first two, you may choose among the others in any order.
The number of places is limited so registration is essential.
New dates will be added as they become available to allow guests to complete the full cycle of conferences.
Fee : 40 euros per conference
“Pancha karma” information session
Fee : 15 euros
DATES : Healthy Living 1 (a prerequisite for the other conferences)
Bruxelles – Vidya Ayurveda : 60, rue des Tanneurs, 1000 Bruxelles • Inscriptions: par e-mail à
Dimanche 2 février 2020 de 9h à 13h (pour info: Hygiène de vie 2 l’après-midi, de 14h à 18h)
Dimanche 5 avril 2020 de 9h à 13h (pour info: Hygiène de vie 2 l’après-midi, de 14h à 18h)
Dimanche 21 juin 2020 de 9h à 13h (pour info: Hygiène de vie 2 l’après-midi, de 14h à 18h)
Gourdinne – Maison de village – 18, place st Walhère, 5651 Gourdinne • Inscriptions : par email à
Samedi 22 février 2020 de 9h à 13h (pour info: Hygiène de vie 2 l’après-midi, de 14h à 18h)
Wanze : Rue du Temple 8 – 4520 Wanze • Inscriptions: par e-mail à
Dimanche 9 février 2020 de 9h30 à 13h30 (pour info: Hygiène de vie 2 l’après-midi, de 14h30 à 18h30)
Samedi 4 avril 2020 de 9h30 à 13h30 (pour info: Hygiène de vie 2 l’après-midi, de 14h30 à 18h30)
Falaën, L’échappée belle : 10, rue de la Gare – 5522 Falaën • Inscriptions: par e-mail à
Samedi 20 juin 2020 de 9h à 13h (pour info: Hygiène de vie 2 l’après-midi, de 14h à 18h)
DATES : Healthy Living 2 (a prerequisite for the other conferences)
Bruxelles – Vidya Ayurveda : 60, rue des Tanneurs, 1000 Bruxelles • Inscriptions: par e-mail à
Dimanche 2 février 2020 de 14h à 18h (pour info: Hygiène de vie 1 le matin, de 9h à 13h)
Dimanche 5 avril 2020 de 14h à 18h (pour info: Hygiène de vie 1 le matin, de 9h à 13h)
Dimanche 21 juin 2020 de 14h à 18h (pour info: Hygiène de vie 1 le matin, de 9h à 13h)
Gourdinne – Maison de village – 18, place st Walhère, 5651 Gourdinne • Inscriptions : par email à
Samedi 22 février 2020 de 14h à 18h (pour info: Hygiène de vie 1 le matin, de 9h à 13h)
Wanze : Rue du Temple 8 – 4520 Wanze • Inscriptions: par e-mail à
Dimanche 9 février 2020 de 14h30 à 18h30 (pour info: Hygiène de vie 1 le matin, de 9h30 à 13h30)
Samedi 4 avril 2020 de 14h30 à 18h30 (pour info: Hygiène de vie 1 le matin, de 9h30 à 13h30)
Falaën, L’échappée belle : 10, rue de la Gare – 5522 Falaën • Inscriptions: par e-mail à
Samedi 20 juin 2020 de 14h à 18h (pour info: Hygiène de vie 1 le matin, de 9h à 13h)
DATES : Healthy Living 3
Bruxelles – Vidya Ayurveda : 60, rue des Tanneurs, 1000 Bruxelles • Inscriptions: par e-mail à
Samedi 8 février 2020, de 9h à 13h (pour info: séance d’information “Pancha karma” l’après-midi, de 14h30 à 17h)
Dimanche 26 avril 2020, de 9h à 13h (pour info: Hygiène de vie 4 l’après-midi, de 14h à 18h)
Samedi 4 juillet 2020, de 9h à 13h (pour info: séance d’information “Pancha karma” l’après-midi, de 14h30 à 17h)
Gourdinne – Maison de village – 18, place st Walhère, 5651 Gourdinne • Inscriptions : par email à
Dimanche 1er mars 2020 de 9h à 13h
Wanze : Rue du Temple 8 – 4520 Wanze • Inscriptions: par e-mail à
Dimanche 23 février 2020 de 9h30 à 13h30 (pour info: Hygiène de vie 4 l’après-midi, de 14h30 à 18h30)
Samedi 13 juin 2020, de 9h30 à 13h30 (pour info: Hygiène de vie 4 l’après-midi, de 14h30 à 18h30)
Falaën, L’échappée belle : 10, rue de la Gare – 5522 Falaën • Inscriptions: par e-mail à
Dimanche 28 juin 2020, de 9h à 13h (pour info: séance d’information “Pancha karma” l’après-midi, de 14h30 à 17h)
DATES : Healthy Living 4
Bruxelles – Vidya Ayurveda : 60, rue des Tanneurs, 1000 Bruxelles • Inscriptions: par e-mail à
Dimanche 26 avril 2020 de 14h à 18h (pour info: Hygiène de vie 3 le matin, de 9h à 13h)
Dimanche 5 juillet 2020 de 9h à 13h (pour info: Hygiène de vie 5 l’après-midi, de 14h à 18h)
Gourdinne – Maison de village – 18, place st Walhère, 5651 Gourdinne • Inscriptions : par email à
Dimanche 15 décembre 2019 de 9h à 13
Samedi 25 avril 2020 de 9h à 13h (pour info: Hygiène de vie 5 l’après-midi, de 14h à 18h)
Wanze : Rue du Temple 8 – 4520 Wanze • Inscriptions: par e-mail à
Dimanche 23 février 2020 de 14h30 à 18h30 (pour info: Hygiène de vie 3 le matin, de 9h30 à 13h30)
Samedi 13 juin 2020, de 14h30 à 18h30 (pour info: Hygiène de vie 3 le matin, de 9h30 à 13h30)
Falaën, L’échappée belle : 10, rue de la Gare – 5522 Falaën • Inscriptions: par e-mail à
Pas de date prévue à ce jour.
DATES : Healthy Living 5
Bruxelles – Vidya Ayurveda : 60, rue des Tanneurs, 1000 Bruxelles • Inscriptions: par e-mail à
Dimanche 3 mai 2020, de 9h à 13h
Dimanche 5 juillet 2020, de 14h à 18h (pour info: Hygiène de vie 4 le matin, de 9h à 13h)
Gourdinne – Maison de village – 18, place st Walhère, 5651 Gourdinne • Inscriptions : par email à
Samedi 25 avril 2020, de 14h à 18h (pour info: Hygiène de vie 4 le matin, de 9h à 13h)
Wanze : Rue du Temple 8 – 4520 Wanze • Inscriptions: par e-mail à
Pas de date prévue à ce jour.
Falaën, L’échappée belle : 10, rue de la Gare – 5522 Falaën • Inscriptions: par e-mail à
Pas de date prévue à ce jour.
DATES : Pancha karma information session
Bruxelles – Vidya Ayurveda : 60, rue des Tanneurs, 1000 Bruxelles • Inscriptions: par e-mail à
Samedi 8 février 2020 de 14h30 à 17h00 (pour info: Hygiène de vie 3 le matin, de 9h à 13h)
Samedi 4 juillet 2020 de 14h30 à 17h00 (pour info: Hygiène de vie 3 le matin, de 9h à 13h)
Falaën, L’échappée belle : 10, rue de la Gare – 5522 Falaën • Inscriptions: par e-mail à
Dimanche 28 juin 2020, de 14h30 à 17h (pour info: Hygiène de vie 3 le matin, de 9h à 13h30)
If none of these dates are convenient for you then please sign up to our newsletter (four times per year) to receive information about new dates as and when they become available.
During these we learn about cellular connection, the true intelligence of our bodies and intelligence of life itself.
We explore different aspects of intelligence pertaining to our bodies by different techniques, including “silent” systemic constellations therapy, representing the functions of our bodies (physical, mental and emotional). Followed by a question and answer session.
Prerequisite: attendance at the Healthy Living cycle of conferences 1 to 5 and a practical follow-up in naturopathy.
Fee: 120 euros per day (Please bring your own lunch and refreshments).
Maison de village
18, place st Walhère
5651 Gourdinne
Registration: please email
Feb 1 0900-1800
Feb 29 0900-1800
Apr 19 0900-1800
May 2 0900-1800
Jun 14 0900-1800
Jun 27 0900-1800
If none of these dates are convenient for you then please sign up to our newsletter (four times per year) to receive information about new dates as and when they become available.
Ayurveda gives us an opportunity at the start of each season to cleanse the body to rebalance it and make it function smoothly. This allows us to live and to perceive life with the best potential within our earthly bodies.
This year, in Italy, there is a chance to attend three sessions designed and led by Dr Anne Verbist, two ayurvedic masseuses, a teacher of postural physiotherapy, specialised in craniosacral therapy, a chef who will provide cuisine adapted to the cure, and an organisational planner to listen to your every need.
Prerequisite: The Healthy Living cycle of conferences 1 to 5, and an initiation of the practice with follow-up.
March 17-24 (Fully subscribed ! Waiting list available)
Convento di Santa Maria delle Grazie di Morlupo (an ancient Franciscan site in the Latium region).
For more information, please email
July 19-25
Agriturismo Marinella, near to Amelia in the Umbria region.
For more information, please email
Sept 28 – Oct 6
Convento di Santa Maria delle Grazie di Morlupo (an ancient Franciscan site in the Latium region).
For more information, please email
If none of these dates are convenient for you then please sign up to our newsletter (four times per year) to receive information about new dates as and when they become available.